Friday, April 16, 2010

Solitary Confinement

If I were to draft a law that allows solitary confinement, I would set regulations on how long a single prisoner could stay in. for minor violations like talking back to an officer i would give them 30 days in solitary confinement. If a prisoner started a fight it would start at 6 months. finnally if they killed someone in prison they would start in confinement for 2 years and up. I would give the prison officials a "free hand" on choosing what crime they have commited. after that they must follow my regulations i have put in place. i wouldn't allow any prisoner to challenge in court because they dont have rights when they are put in jail as far as i see it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


1.) i believe the insanity plea is not a good law because its hard to prove you are guilty of being insane and it seems easy to fake. i don't think that insanity should be considered in criminal cases. if you are guilty of killing someone then you deserve the same punishment as every one else. Murder is the worst thing you can do and even if you are insane or not you deserve to go to jail for life. Insanity is a chemical imbalance in the brain, but insane or not we have to set an example to the world that no one is above the law. i believe that Andrea Yates should go to prison for the rest of her life and this way it will eventually help her relies the fact that she killed her kids.

Captial Punishment

1.) I believe that capital punishment is not an effective deterrent to crime. If you end someones life by giving them the death penalty then you are guilty of murder just like the criminal. Gandhi once said "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind." That is pretty much what is going on if you allow the death penalty to prevail. We have to lock up these murderers up for life and make them think about what they have done for the rest of there life. this allows are conscious to be clear and the criminal regret every thing he/she has ever done.

2.) I guess for the few benefits it has, the biggest one would be it saves tax payers dollars. the biggest weakness is that you are no different then the killer.

3.) I propose we keep all murders in jail for life with no chance of getting out. it doesn't matter if it was a normal person, insane person, or autistic person. they still killed someone and deserve to be equally punished no matter what.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I agree that to find a solution to control crime we will require more committment and sacrafice. If we could create a larger police force that is better trained and more equipt for certian forms of crime then we could better controll crime. Also if we were to make marrijuanna legal then that would allow police officers to adress more pressing crimes then constantly wasting there time and resources finding and arresrting people who are smoking. A limitaiton to this is it will be hard to create a larger police department with out forcing people into it.