Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I agree that to find a solution to control crime we will require more committment and sacrafice. If we could create a larger police force that is better trained and more equipt for certian forms of crime then we could better controll crime. Also if we were to make marrijuanna legal then that would allow police officers to adress more pressing crimes then constantly wasting there time and resources finding and arresrting people who are smoking. A limitaiton to this is it will be hard to create a larger police department with out forcing people into it.


  1. i agree but there would need to be regualtion on when you could smoke like you cant drive high or go to work like drinking and creating a lager police foce would require alot more from tax payers wich they do not want to do so your wrong

  2. You make a good point about marijuana. It does not harm people and the police force should focus their time and energy else where. Creating a larger police department is difficult because it is a dangerous occupation and many people dont want to get into that. I have not thought about it this way and I feel as though you make many good points.
